Tenant Representation
Your Experience
CPG clients are provided with the benefit of our knowledge of the real estate market and history as owners and managers of commercial properties; not solely brokerage skills. Finding the ideal property can be an informative and exciting process if tenants get educated on the process, value in the transaction, protections in leases and contracts, and a complete understanding of what it means to own or lease real estate. We look forward to working hand in hand with you to accomplish these goals of finding you the ideal property and setting your business up for success.
Landlord Representation
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About Us

Kevin Shapiro
Chancellor Property Group is managed by Kevin Shapiro, a licensed real estate salesperson and licensed mortgage broker, and an integral part of the Shapiro|Pertnoy Companies for over 10 years. To date, Kevin has managed and/or leased in excess of 500,000 square feet of commercial property throughout Florida.
Kevin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from the University of Colorado at Boulder. His interests include being a new father, traveling, and fishing.
Contact Chancellor
- Kevin Shapiro
- Chancellor Property Group
- 561-793-5852
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